• Thaïsa Way















    image taken by Sahar Coston-Hardy, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC

    I am delighted to serve as the Director of the Garden & Landscapes Studies at Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collections, a research institute of Harvard University dedicated to the stewardship of research in the three areas of study: Byzantine Studies, Pre-Columbian Studies, and Garden & Landscape Studies. In this role I also lead a Mellon Humanities in Place Initiative titled "Democracy and Landscape: Race, Identity, and Difference" I want to thank my colleagues at Dumbarton Oaks and the Mellon Foundation and all those who are partnering with me on this project including my advisory board (some now moved on but all have contributed) : NDB Connolly, Eric Avila, Willow Lung Amman, Michelle Wilkinson, Justin Garrett Moore, Alice Nash, and Dell Upton and our newest advisors, Gabrielle Tayac, Sara Lopez, Andrea Roberts, and Bruno Carvahlo.


    To pursue the Mellon initiative and to continue our collective effort to shape the discipline of landscape history through our programs at Dumbarton Oaks, and after 14 years as a part of the College of Built Environments at the University of Washington, I transitioned my position into the role of Professor Emerita. For some sweet words from my colleagues on this transition- read here.


    And yet, I missed teaching... so in 2022 I began teaching at the GSD, Harvard University which I continue to this day. I facilitate seminars on histories of land, landscape, and place through the lenses of gender, race, identity, and the contributions of counter narratives in contested places.


    As an extension of the Mellon initiative I have collaborated with an outstanding community of deans of design and planning schools to develop the Dean's Equity and Inclusion Initiative. Our shared mission is to nurture a diverse population of emerging scholars teaching and researching the built environment to advance socio-ecological and spatial justice, equity, and inclusion. With over 40 schools and their deans and directors now participating, we have launched a fourth cohort of early career BIPOC and under-represented faculty bringing the total number of participating fellows to 83! Our purpose is to mentor each to success in the academy, build community across schools and programs, and learn from our faculty how we can improve and strengthen the academy's culture as a place of belonging, inclusion, and generosity. Check out the community and our work here.


    Dumbarton Oaks is a remarkable place to be as we have the extraordinary opportunity to contribute to shaping the discipline of landscape, environmental, and place-based histories. I bring to this my curiosity about the built environment and place alongside a deep commitment to asking questions of difference and diversity in our public realm and what role design might play. I have been inspired to collaborate with senior scholars in the curation of a series of symposia and colloquia. In 2024 Drs. NDB Connolly (JHU) and Oscar de la Torre (UNC) directed the symposium "Environmental Histories of the Black Atlantic World: Landscape Histories of the African Diaspora". In 2025 we will host the symposium "The Land has more to tell us" that is curated by Drs. Gabrielle Tayac (GMU) and Alice Nash (UMAmherst) with an indigenous advisory circle. This symposium will bring indigenous scholars together to explore and learn how we read landscape and place. The papers presented are then revised and published in an edited volume of essays under the Dumbarton Oaks/ Harvard Press umbrella. This is collective work and I apprecaite all who have contributed in a multitude of ways.


    You never know where a project will take you. Lets keep it up and make this a better world.


    For up to date cv click here


  • Landscape Histories

    Exploring histories of built environments

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    Describing a discipline

    History of landscape architecture is a complex endeavor as it engages narratives of our built environments and spans the entirety of human's existence, at least in theory. It is also the history of settlements on the land, making of place in the landscape. Thus it is about the history of cities, or the process of urbanization, by which cities are generated. Or it can mean the history of the profession of Landscape Architecture beginning with the emergence of design disciplines and professions in the Rennaissance. For others it is more recent, in the history of the profession that we know today, thus beginning in the mid-nineteenth century. For most it is a combination of these- a history of intentional design, making of the first settlements and cities, all the way through what we call a profession in the 21st century.


    In my research, landscape history engages multiple and diverse narratives about human relationships to landscape and place. It engages with our efforts to design, shape, manipulate landscape as a spatial medium for pleasure, for production, and for settlement. Cities and urban landscapes (streets, buildings, neighborhoods, transportation systems, infrastructural networks....) play critical roles as designed landscapes as do gardens, parks, and national parks. As a whole, these designed landscapes frame our existence, our past, present, and futures on the planet aesthetically, socially, culturally, economically, politically, .... Furthermore I am intriqued by the designers, and how they come to imagine the design and how is it constructed, used, and received. These lead to questions of how do designed landscapes shape how we live in the world, an increasingly urban world? How can design foster civil society and sustainable life habits?




  • Research and Scholarship

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    Research- a summary

    My research, built on the thinking and scholarship of many others, is framed by feminist histories of design and in particular the role of women as professionals and practitioners. I have sought to contribute to the growing body of scholarship with Unbounded Practices: Women, Landscape Architecture, and Early Twentieth Century Design (2009, University of Virginia Press, 2013, paperback edition) and more recently chapters, essays, and encyclopedia entries.


    My recent work has explored the emerging scholarship on issues of race, gender, and urban landscapes. This engages issues of social movements, equity, and environmental justice within an historic framework. This requires re-thinking questions of race, gender, segregation, and resistance in the practice of landscape architecture, particularly in the past two centuries. It is complex and thick. The concept of thick sections has shaped my work as I seek to find multiple ways to explore narratives of the past that might help us better understand who we are and what our futures might hold.



  • Approaches to Scholarship


    Feminist histories, urban narratives, design and theory

    Feminist Histories and Counter Narratives


    My interest in the narratives of women and others relegated to the margins in landscape architectural histories has led to research engaging issues of gender, race, design, and social history in distinct ways. My dissertation was transformed, translated, altered, modified to become Unbounded Practice: Women in Landscape Architecture in the Early Twentieth Century. The book explores the narrative of landscape architectural history within the larger framework of the emerging profession in the twentieth century.


    Building on these explorations I have concentrated on how collective narratives of practice might inform the broader domain of landscape architecture history. I was a Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation Fellow in 2008 and was invited by the Foundation to present my research at the Guggenheim Museum (New York) in June 2009. The paper, “Constellations and Collective Histories: Women and Landscape Architecture,” described how a collective narrative expands our understanding and reading of the past and present, and by implication, the future.


    My current scholarship explores histories of the public realm as manifested in landscapes, from the street to the park to the civic plaza.I am interested in how these places are imagined, designed, and used through the lens of practice and performance. This work is grounding my leadership at Dumbarton Oaks and most specifically my engagement in the Landscape Studies Initiative "Democracy and Landscape: Race, Identity, and Difference," made possible by the Mellon Foundation.


    For a blog / media posts:



    Why history is critical for designers and design pedagogy; https://www.platformspace.net/home/why-history-for-designers-part-1


    On access to public space/ public landscapes: https://www.curbed.com/2020/3/27/21191714/coronavirus-public-spaces-parks-hiking-trails


    On access and public parks in cities: https://theconversation.com/parks-help-cities-but-only-if-people-use-them-103474


    On Earth Day thinking about Environmental Justice: https://crosscut.com/2017/04/marching-for-science-seattle-earth-day-read-this-first-uw


    On universities and cities working together: https://www.washington.edu/news/2015/10/27/uw-initiative-aims-to-tackle-city-regions-most-pressing-urban-issues/ 


    About Marjorie Sewell Cautley and Phipps Houses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWNpR0F2hMs


    Op-Ed on Environmental Justice and Earth Day

    Urban@UW and Collaborative Urban Research


    Urban@UW is an initiative of the Office of Research at UW to foster a community of urban researchers, teachers, and practitioners. As the founding director, I teamed with faculty, students, and civic leaders to build the scaffold to nurture a growing community across the academy and the region committed to addressing the grand challenges of urbanism in the 21st century.


    This initiative began with a project that I and Margaret O’Mara in the History Department at UW developed in 2010, Now Urbanism: City Building in the 21st Century and Beyond. We were awarded a John E. Sawyer Seminar on Comparative Cultures funded by the Mellon Foundation with significant support from the Simpson Center for the Humanities, the College of Built Environments, and the College of Arts & Sciences (September, 2010 - December, 2012.) The project hosted nine monthly three-day symposiums on perspectives on urbanism for a year followed by quarterly workshops for faculty and practitioners. At the end of the two-year period we had engaged over 100 faculty participants and 1500 public attendees in the urban- oriented discussions.


    The project framed emerging avenues of investigation through trans-disciplinary scholarship and practice and more specifically, the role of digital tools to enrich historical investigations and analysis. It generated a larger project: the UW Cities Collaboratory with the shared framework that considers cities as sites and agents of economic expansion, social interaction, political development, and cultural and intellectual incubation.To address these complexities, we must bring the best minds and ideas to the table


    Today that work is at the foundation of Urban@UW (more information above). It remains a deeply interdisciplinary focused on collective impact and the generation of knowledge at the intersections of disciplines. Thank you to Rachel Berney, Ken Yocom, Jen Davison, and others who continue the leadership and work.




    Now Urbanism


    The Conversation: Parks, Access, and Equity



    An annotated list of related and interesting projects others are leading....click here


    Recent Publications


    “Study the past if you would define the future.”― Confucius

    Recent essays and chapters:


    “Design and the Humanities” eds. Adrian Parr and Santiago Zabala, Outspoken: A Manifesto for the 21st Century, McGill-Queen University Press, spring 2023.


    Editor, Garden as Art: Beatrix Farrand and Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees of Harvard University/ Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Landscapes Studies Series, Spring 2022.


    With David Karmon, “Roundtable: Rethinking Urban Landscapes” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 81, no. 3 (September 2022), 268–298.


    “Who is the public for whom we design? And who are we to design for such a public?” in Harvard Design Magazine 49: F/W 2021.


    with Ken Yocom, “Infrastructural Wilderness: Seattle and the Binding of City and Region” eds Nik Janos and Corina McKendry, Urban Cascadia and the Pursuit of Environmental Justice, UW Press, 304 pages, 2021: 72-90.


    “Urban Site as Collective Knowledge” second edition, eds Andrea Kahn & Carol Burns, Site Matters: Strategies for Uncertainty Through Planning and Design, Routledge Press, 2021: 213-223.


    “All Ours: The Theft of A Historic Site for Free Expression Casts Light On The Value Of Public Space In A Democratic Society” with photographs by Sahar Coston-Hardy, Landscape Architecture Magazine, July, 2020: https://landscapearchitecturemagazine.org/tag/thaisa-way/. Awarded Bradford Williams Medal by American Society of Landscape Architects, 2021.

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    Co-editor with Carlyn Ferrari, Seattle University, Black Women's Gardens: as Art and Practice, forthcoming in 2026.


    co-Editor with Eric Avila, UCLA, Segregation and Resistance in American Landscapes, Trustees of Harvard University/ Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Landscapes Studies Series, 2023.


    Editor, Garden as Art: Beatrix Farrand and Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees of Harvard University/ Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Landscapes Studies Series, 2022.


    Landscape Architect A.E. Bye: Sculpting the Earth, Modern Landscape Design Series, Library of American Landscape History & W.W. Norton Publishing, pending approval.


    GGN: 1999-2018, Timber Press, 2018


    River Cities: City Rivers, edited collection, Harvard University/ Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Landscapes Studies, 2018.


    From Modern Space to Urban Ecological Design: the Landscape Architecture of Richard Haag, 2015, University of Washington Press. See a trailer by clicking here

    For an interview at Seattle Town Hall between Thaisa Way and Richard Haag, see



    with Jeff Hou, Ben Spencer, and Ken Yocom, eds. Now Urbanism: The Future City Is Here, 2014, Routledge Publishing.


    Unbounded Practice: Women and Landscape Architecture in the early Twentieth Century. University of Virginia Press, 2009, 288 pages (**paperback Fall 2013)..




    Design, history, and theory

    Teaching- a summary

    I am honored to have been recognized with the 2020 CELA Outstanding Educator Award. Thank you to students and colleagues as this is deep team work.

    My teaching engages how research questions frame pedagogy and how best do I help students build a foundation to launch careers that address these questions. This includes lecture courses, seminars, studios, and workshop. My courses are in the history of cities and urban landscapes, the development of the profession of landscape architecture, and the ideas around creativity and innovation. I extend this work through my scholarship including pieces on the importance of history in design pedagogy. It matters more than ever right now.


    This work was the grounding for a collaborative project with Dr. Andrea Roberts (UVa) to lead the 2022 NEH Summer Institute "Towards a Peoples Landscape History: Part 1/ Black and Indigneous Histories of the Nation's Capital". We hosted 23 faculty from across the country exploring how to teach and research place-based histories contributing to critical place studies. In 2024 we did a second version this time in RIchmond Virginia with Kathryn Howell (UMD) and Meghan Gough (VCU). Again 23 faculty joined us to interrogate how we teach about place, in place, in a manner that supports rigorous thinking, critical questioning, and generous community building.



    Launched a number of years ago, the UW Department of Landscape Architecture joined forces with Seattle’s GGN firm to lead a series of weekend workshops focused on representation in design. Drawing is a means of thinking and it is a language of dialogue. Drawing is a language that expands and enhances our visions for the future of our landscapes and as such calls for a robust and rigorous investigation and exploration. The weekend long workshops led by inspiring leaders in the design fields are posing and answering questions around how we draw, what we draw, and how we read drawings. Each of these experiences informs design as process and development and shapes how our communities understand and respond to design ideas and visions. See more at: http://be.uw.edu/design-in-drawing/

  • How to contact me

    GLS, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection

    1703 32nd Street NW

    Washington DC 2007

    Wayt01@doaks.org / 202 339 6461